If you frequently read the newspaper, watch the television, or even just like browsing the internet – you’ll know all about the global climate emergency we’re currently facing. Although many naysayers have taken to the media to claim that it’s all just sensationalised rubbish – scientists, experts, David Attenborough and even Greta Thunberg have fought their corner, inspiring climate change activists all over the world to play their part.
Regardless of your opinion, there’s no disputing that everyone should at least attempt to play their part in reducing their carbon footprint. The good news is, quite often it’s likely to save you money along the way too.
Today, we’re going to be taking a look at all of the different ways in which you can improve your own energy efficiency, and reduce your carbon footprint.
Replacing or Resealing Windows
Old windows are one of the key contributions that lead to people overusing their heating in the Winter months. Whether you choose to replace with companies like Texas Window Store or you even just look into resealing, you’re likely to notice the difference almost instantly.
The truth of the matter is that people jump straight to using their heating as soon as they’re cold, BEFORE considering why the house might not be as warm as it should be. If you aren’t leaving windows and doors open unnecessarily, then it could be that your windows need replacing or resealing.
Older window models tend to let in draughts, whereas newer models are specifically created in order to eliminate that. If you don’t already have double glazing or haven’t resealed your windows in a long time, then now is the time to act. You’ll reduce your heating usage, which will not only make your home more energy efficient, but it will make your bills cheaper too.
Invest in a Low Power Shower Head
A low flow shower head could save you from using galleons of water per shower, without impacting the overall quality of your shower a noticeable amount.
They’re not expensive to acquire, and they’re pretty easy to install. They’re a far more environmentally friendly way of using your shower and not having to think about how often you’re actually doing so.
As well as this, you’ll save money on your water bill per month – and by a significant amount too! as we said, you could reduce your water usage by galleons per shower.
If a low flow showerhead doesn’t sound like it’s for you and you’re someone who prefers bathing, then our suggestion would be to start opting for a shower rather than a bath. A bath requires litres more water to fill than a shower would – regardless of how long you spend in there – and will therefore reduce your water usage by a large amount. We’re not saying never bathe – but making small changes here and there will make a huge difference.
Switch Up Your Light Bulbs
A great way of reducing your electric usage, is by switching up the type of lightbulbs you use on a regular basis.
Now, you might not even be one hundred percent certain what you use at present – and that’s okay! But if you’ve been buying without really looking, there’s a chance that you’re still using halogen lightbulbs, when you should think about trying LED instead.
Halogen lightbulbs emit far more heat than LED lighting, and although they might be slightly brighter, they cost a lot more money in bills for it. They also drain your energy usage, and therefore if anything they increase your carbon footprint.
So next time you’re shopping for lightbulbs, take a look at the box and ensure it’s LED light bulbs that you’re buying. You’ll notice a big difference for it.
Unplug Your Devices and Chargers
Last of all, but by no means least, always be sure to unplug your chargers and devices if they no longer need to be plugged in.
One of the biggest drains on energy resources in the average household has been proven to be chargers and devices that are left plugged in and switched on at the wall, without reason. It can be so easy to forget and leave things as they are, but just try being more mindful.
Simply by being more mindful about what you’ve got switched on and plugged in, you could save money monthly on your electricity bills AND reduce your carbon footprint. All you need to do is think a little more – that’s all it takes.