If you have recently purchased a new luxury home or looking to buy one anytime soon, there are many different aspects that you need to consider before acquiring a property and moving in. One of the most important ones is the level of security you and your family can and should enjoy your new house. It is a fact that a lot of areas and communities in the country are being victimized by thieves and other evil doers who break into houses. Since the safety of your family is a priority, you need to make your home safe from crime. Here are some simple but valuable tips that will help you do so.
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1. Reach out to your neighbors
One of the first things you should do when moving to a new community is to get to know your neighbors. What you can do to break the ice is to extend an invitation for an upcoming party at your home. The key is to get to know your neighbors, especially the ones living immediately right beside your house, on a personal level. You want to be able to get their trust and they should also be able to trust you in return. This will come very handy whenever your whole family is going out for an extended period of time, as you can ask your neighbors to look after your house while you are away.
2. Keep those valuables away from prying eyes
If ever you have high-value items at home, you may want to keep them from being exposed or seen easily. Keep in mind that thieves don’t just attack comes out of the blue. These evildoers also do their homework by conducting surveillance of their possible targets days or weeks before they attempt their intrusion. If your prized items are kept away from the public, your house will not easily attract thieves to breaking in.

3. Invest in motion sensitive lights
You may also want to invest in motion-sensitive lights, which you should install near the different entry points of your house. Through these lights, you will be able to see if there is someone approaching near your doors, as they turn on automatically whenever they sense motion. Ask your Brentwood real estate agent about your homes security features.
4. Install CCTV cameras
Aside from motion-sensitive lights, you should also install CCTV cameras in key points of around your house. This will help deter thieves from coming in, or if they do break in, their actions will be recorded, which will be helpful in police investigations.