
3 Things Plumbers Might Not Want You to Know

There are some things out there that professionals do not want you to know – including plumbers! We are going to share some of these secrets in this piece

3 Things Plumbers Might Not Want You to Know

It is no surprise that the way we rely on professionals and their opinions opens us up to a world of having to trust and rely on someone else. Overall, this is perhaps a good thing, however, it can be trickier when professionals have an advantage. We might often feel like we cannot question a recommendation or a price, along with several other alarm bells going off in our minds telling us something is a ripoff or that we are sure a bit of super-strong tape will fix it.

Whatever it is, there are some things out there that professionals do not want you to know – including plumbers! We are going to share some of these secrets in this piece.

3 Things Plumbers Might Not Want You to Know

Avoid Frozen Pipes by Turning off Your Taps

One of the easiest ways to prevent frozen pipes is to turn off and disconnect your outsize hoses from the beginning of fall. This simple yet extremely effective trick helps prevent pipes from freezing over and having to call out a plumber in an emergency to get them up and running again. Be sure to drain your hoses before storing them, and for added protection, wrap your pipes in something warm to help them retain heat inside.

Your Plumber Might Not Have the Right Part

Nothing is as simple as it used to be, is it? And that definitely relates to plumbing. With so many different styles, innovations, and fixtures on the market, there is a chance your plumber will not have the part they need to finish the job. However, do not feel obliged to wait if you really need something fixing and replacing. Finding another plumber with the proper credentials and the part should not make you feel guilty when you need something sorting as soon as possible. A good plumber will do what they can to get hold of everything they need as soon as they possibly can, but will also step aside if they are not able to provide you with what you need as soon as someone else can. Find a trusted Perth plumber from in your area that will be honest about what they have and what they can achieve.

3 Things Plumbers Might Not Want You to Know

You Do Have a Choice When it Comes to Parts!

Sometimes parts can feel like a magical piece from a different world that requires us to trust our hired plumber and put our home in their hands to fix, but that does not always have to be the case. If you have time, it is best to do your own research based on what your plumber has advised, as some parts can cost significantly more than other parts just to do the same job! This can vary with materials and brands, so make sure you question their choice and ask if there are any other options so you are able to make an informed decision yourself.

Choosing the materials yourself will also give you a much better idea of how long the parts will last and what your return on investment should be if you decide to spend a little more upfront or not.

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