Project: Scrap Skyscraper
Designed by Projeto Coletivo
Design Team: Giovanni Medeiros, Guilherme de Macedo, João Gabriel Küster Cordeiro, Rafael Santos Ferraz, Rodolfo Parolin Hardy, Thiago Augustus Prenholato Alves
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
The eye catching Scrap Skyscraper design comes our way from Projeto Coletivo, literally created out of garbage it redefines the way we look at green architecture.

From the Architects:
The Scrap Skyscraper is about understanding city problems and turning them into solutions, a city as a live organism that develops itself and has a social agenda with life quality as main purpose. Creating a building from the garbage that population generates will have a big impact, reaching it socially, environmentally and functionally. The proposition is to break the traditional rules of construction re-using as many elements as possible in its current state, combining it in a high-end software capable to catalogue and pre-dispose what will be built.
People, through the years, have generated more and more garbage, not being worried where it will end, what is a big issue. The goal is redefine population’s trash into something worthwhile, this have the potential to change a city’s life.
The project takes place at São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in the south hemisphere by population. Its bigger issues are pollution, traffic and social inequality. The city has a fleet growing a thousand cars per day, generating pollution and traffic. Also 17.000 tons of garbage is generated per day and only one per cent of it is recycled. Another two important facts are the bad use of the rivers that circle the city, that used to be clean and nowadays are polluted, and the general mindset of the residents of this metropolis, that still today do not care about recycling manners.
So, the design looks for a resolution that will affect all these problems and through what is not used anymore and pollutes the city: garbage.
The buildings will be at the banks of Tiete's river and Pinheiro's river, and each building will receive population's trash transported by the waterways. This way all the city's garbage can be organized and used at its best, being cleaned, catalogued and reused.
There is the point where the project achieves a social significance, because the buildings will be all built on a upcycle concept, using what was discarded by people and wasting as less energy as possible. The mixed-use tower will have dwellings at its body and a kind of factory in its bottom that will focus on selecting and reusing trash. The habitation part is for people who will work on this factory. Many of the homeless in São Paulo already lives collecting trash through the city, this way they will have a chance to go off the streets, have a home and a job. Experts will teach them how to do it exploring their own creativity for improving each habitation.
The module housing is made of upcycled materials like windshields, doors of cars and refrigerators, and all sort of material collected, each unity will be singular depending on the available components. In the same way there will not have equal buildings because its structures depends on the combination of the pieces collected.
It is a landmark that can change consciousness about the waste, showing possible the gain of social enhancement through upcycicle.