
Exterior Design: Front Door Inspiration


The look and style of your front door has a far bigger impact on your visitors than you would first imagine. The front door welcomes guests into the home, leaving a lasting impression on those who pass through it.


Your front door doesn’t have to be the most expensive or the most extravagant, but do make sure it’s well considered. The design should be good, the materials good quality and you should ensure that the design works with the period of the building. We know it’s a difficult task to be completely original when designing your entrance, so we’ve put together some front door styles to make sure you’ll always love coming back home.


London Living

Recreate this classic British style with a London borough style panelled door. Darker colours give your house entrance a sleek and sophisticated look, whilst painting to match your neighbours doors gives the street some coherency. Make it your own by adding a stylish door knocker and door handle to complete the theme. You could even use a similar style to the handles inside your home to keep a cohesive look throughout. Plants add a great aesthetic finish to your entrance, too.


Country Cottage

Restore a traditional timber iron cast hinged cottage door to recreate this classical country cottage look. If you already own a traditional cottage door why not paint it a different colour to add even more character? Cottage entrances are usually small and rustic, with pretty hanging baskets and garden trellises. Unlike the sleek and minimal London style entrance presented previously, country entrances can be fun and flowery – the more the merrier!


Seafront Style

Replicate a fun beach house theme at your own front door to recreate a traditional seafront style. Bright colours are a must, complimented by rustic elements to echo that beach feeling. Rusted lanterns, beach signs and driftwood can all be used to replicate a beach style. Pick your favourite colours and have some fun!


Modern Luxe

Make a statement with your entrance with a modern futuristic style front door. Clean cut lines and a glass mix door makes for a truly sophisticated finish. A large alternative metal handle contrasts the traditional door knock, whilst the monochrome colouring encapsulates that sense of modernity. Often with entrances such as these, spotlights and LEDs line the pathway to illuminate the modern setting.


Smooth Sliding

Use your front doors as a great way to drain light into your home. Sliding doors are a great way to enhance natural light in dark indoor spaces. Glass doors also give you an option to install fabric blinds to add a personal touch to your entrance. There are many colour options for sliding doors and the design is simple and versatile. Oakwood Doors have a fantastic selection of doors including all of the solid oak, modern styles and sliding doors shown above.

Dourne Home by Batter Kay Associates

Balwyn House by Fiona Lynch Design Studio