Project: eCoworking
Designed by Evgeni Leonov Architects
Creative Director: Evgeni Leonov
Partner-in-Charge: Julija Line
Client: Betahaus
Design of an innovative work-space aiming to improve productivity between coworkers comes from Evgeni Leonov Architects practice. The proposal is made for an international ideas contest – Betahaus | Coworking Challenge and it provides a possible answer.
Discover more of their solution after the jump:

From the Architects:
The way in which we work has hugely changed over the past few years. Added value is no longer generated in classic offices. It is meanwhile being created at different places, at different times, in changing team constellations. This new way of working constantly requires new workspaces, both real and virtual. Open-plan digitally networked and collaborative workplaces that are flexible and serve as an incubation platform for networking, innovation and production are required. These new ways of coworking need a new environment!
How will the office of the future look like? The proposal of the Evgeni Leonov Architects made for international ideas contest Betahaus | Coworking Challenge provides the possible answer.
The idea eCoworking shows how in very simple way with cheap constructions (wooden structure and plywood finishing) small team can construct co-working units for outdoor use. Why work in a stuffy apartment and alone, if you can work right in the middle of the park, surrounded by flowers and sunshine, together with like-minded people?! Every self-respecting co-working centre should have a summer branch in the park (because even the Kings has summer residences.. )! Co-working outdoor branches can be the additional income growth option for existing co-working centres. One outdoor co-working camp can gain 20000+EUR profit per season.
Co-working spaces in parks, beaches, city public spaces, gardens, anywhere for travel-lovers and freelancers – every modern-thinking city must have eco-working zones in their public parks! We can equip that zones and make global net of eco-working spaces in parks around the world! Hot desking can be the main function of eCoworking outdoor units – walk in, sit down, start work; drop in and work in a green environment with like-minded individuals! The features of the eCoworking units are: fresh air, nature around you, you can travel around the world and work in parks, likeminded people around you, shelter, garden heaters, sun shading, coffee drink & snack automats, printing and copier automats, internet, wi-fi, electrical outlets, PCs, desks , chairs, puffs and table football as well.
The contest Betahaus | Coworking challenge is organized by betahaus, that wishes to develop the workspace of the future together withDREISECHSNULL – Telekom’s magazine for business clients -, and the jovoto community. The aim of the contest is to design feasible concepts for co-working environments, which can be used both in companies as well as in co-working spaces all over the world.