Redwood Tribe restaurant, located in the serene Hongqiyang Village, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, was once a local folk house, surrounded by picturesque landscapes. To the north are green rice fields, and to the south is a peaceful pond surrounded by tall dawn redwood trees. Despite the absence of foliage during the architects’ inaugural visit, the appeal of the site’s natural beauty captivated their senses. They envisioned harnessing the existing ecological conditions to their fullest potential, making harmony with nature a cornerstone of their design philosophy.

Intended as a restaurant that seamlessly integrates the functions of a public station and an observation tower, the project organically weaves together different elements. The architectural by Y.ad Studio layout strategically disperses these functions into distinct blocks surrounding a central courtyard, creating a tapestry of interconnected spaces. The dining area, positioned adjacent to the pond and redwood grove, offers panoramic views and an immersive, water-centric ambiance. Carefully planned pathways and decks facilitate a dynamic interaction between visitors, structures, and the natural environment, fostering a harmonious connection between people and nature.

The architectural design pays homage to traditional Jiangnan style while adapting to the region’s abundant rainfall. The pitched roof, reminiscent of local architectural heritage, features dual dynamic twists and curves, breaking away from monotony. Openings at the roof ridge allow natural light to filter inside, casting captivating plays of light and shadow along the undulating surfaces. This design not only creates a unique spatial ambiance but also imbues the indoor space with evolving moods that shift with the weather and daylight, enriching the visitor experience.

Laminated bamboo panels, with their darker hue, elegantly complement the natural surroundings, merging with the context harmoniously. This choice of facade material fosters a profound sense of tranquility and intimacy with nature. The landscape tower, adorned in black, enhances the immersive experience, offering visitors a vantage point from which to gaze over the surrounding fields and woodlands.