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The Moravian Square Park: A New Poetics of Urban Life

Designed by Studio Consequence Forma Architects, authored by Martin Sládek and Janica Šipulová.

Photography BoysPlayNice

Designed by Consequence Forma Architects, the Moravian Square Park in Brno has undergone a transformative revitalisation, emerging as a vibrant space that juxtaposes the city’s constant commotion with a serene yet active environment. 


This ambitious project, authored by Martin Sládek and Janica Šipulová, meets the demands of the 21st century and integrates blue-green infrastructure elements, environmental sustainability, biodiversity, community creation, and inclusivity.

Photography BoysPlayNice

A Central Urban Arena

At the heart of this revitalised park lies a distinctive feature: the urban arena. This central area introduces a new public space to Brno, characterized by a dynamic fountain that alternates between creating a water mirror and a misty cloud. Defined by a massive, encircling bench, this arena fosters a unique sense of shared comfort, inviting pedestrians to relax, play, and engage with the space. As dawn breaks, the arena comes alive, transforming into a stage where the water’s reflective surface adds a poetic element to the constant flow of activity. This central space, aptly nicknamed ‘The Brno Sea,’ teems with life, offering both tranquility and vibrancy throughout the day and across seasons.

Northern Enhancements

The northern part of the park has been significantly enhanced with the addition of a café and a children’s playground. These previously underutilized areas now offer a stunning view of the newly revealed cityscape, including the Church of St. Thomas. The café pavilion serves as a crucial interface between the park and the city, reinforcing the urban character of Koliště Street, which is gradually evolving into a bustling urban boulevard. The café, with its terrace, concludes a shaded promenade under mature trees, providing a space for relaxation and social interaction. It also supports adjacent amenities such as the children’s playground and a ‘speakers corner,’ which hosts various cultural events.

Photography BoysPlayNice

Architectural Innovation

The café’s design is a marvel of modern architecture, featuring a partially transparent roof that accommodates a tree, and an eight-meter ellipse known as the Sun, which interacts visually with the café’s structure. This ellipse, made of polished steel, appears and disappears with the changing light, creating a dynamic visual axis. The café’s weather-resistant steel façade gradually rusts, adding a layer of poetic reflection on the future, highlighted by the neon word ‘Budoucnost’ (Future).

Child-Friendly and Inclusive

The park’s design prioritizes inclusivity and child-friendliness, with features like a carousel, varied seating, and original play elements inspired by the concept of the city as a café metropolis. White play elements scattered throughout the park contrast with the lively café surroundings, while grassy and meadow areas offer peace and shade. A visually prominent edge connects the park to its surroundings, and pathways mapped using drone imagery ensure a natural flow of movement through the space.

Environmental Sustainability

Sustainability is at the core of this revitalisation project. The park’s blue-green infrastructure restores the natural water regime, retaining rainwater and supporting vegetation. This infrastructure enhances the microclimate, particularly during hot days, with the cooling effect of the fountain and mist nozzles. All paved surfaces are designed to direct water into gravel swales and furrow systems, ensuring efficient water management and supporting diverse plant life. The selection of tree species includes those tolerant to climate change, and the planting strategy maximizes water retention and nutrient distribution.

The Moravian Square Park revitalisation is a testament to innovative urban design, blending environmental sustainability with community-centric features. It offers a new poetics of peace and action in Brno’s historic centre, providing a model for future urban revitalisation projects. This park not only enhances the city’s aesthetic and ecological landscape but also fosters a vibrant community space that adapts to the rhythms of the seasons and the needs of its citizens.

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