Project: Cultural Center of Stjordal
Designed by RRA
Location: Stjordal, Norway
Size: 17.500m2
Status: Competition Proposal
Website: www.reiulframstadarkitekter.no
The Cultural Center of Stjordal will be an important node, both locally and in the region. The center will become an inviting place for all people interested in culture in one way or another; a building where people of all kinds can explore and develop their abilities and talent. With its church, the Cultural Center will function as a worthy venue for all kinds of ceremonies for the inhabitants. In addition to this, the visitors at the hotel will contribute to vitalize the house and the park. Continue for more after the jump:
Designed by RRA
Location: Stjordal, Norway
Size: 17.500m2
Status: Competition Proposal
Website: www.reiulframstadarkitekter.no
The Cultural Center of Stjordal will be an important node, both locally and in the region. The center will become an inviting place for all people interested in culture in one way or another; a building where people of all kinds can explore and develop their abilities and talent. With its church, the Cultural Center will function as a worthy venue for all kinds of ceremonies for the inhabitants. In addition to this, the visitors at the hotel will contribute to vitalize the house and the park. Continue for more after the jump:

The project is anchored in, and inspired by the place’s history and culture. At the same time the architecture should emit its modern function and the pulse of the time and place. The Center will be a platform for a wide cultural concept; a wide range of art, dance, music, film and other media. The Cultural Center of Stjordal should become an inspiring place that gives the visitors experiences and opportunities for personal display and development.

Commission type: 1st prize with Lusparken Architects, JSTA Architects and Shcønherr Landscaping. Invited competition (2010)