Project: Crossrail Paddington Station
Design by Weston Williamson Architects
Location: London, United Kingdom
Website: www.westonwilliamson.com
Skilled to design transit infrastructure Weston Williamson takes part in the WAN awards by the prestige website with their design for the Crossrail Paddington Station. For more images and info continue after the jump:
Paddington station is undergoing the most significant change since the historic station was completed to Brunel's design. The new architectural works at Paddington include: a new station serving Crossrail; a new station serving London Underground; a new entrance to the station linking with major commercial developments; a commercial development above one of the new stations; a new taxi facility for BAA that is designed to address the needs of international travellers via Heathrow, plus a major new public realm above the Crossrail Station
The proposals for Paddington incorporate substantial works in and around Brunel's Grade 1 listed station and the design has been subject to extensive review with Westminster City Council, English Heritage and CABE through the Crossrail Review panel. Weston Williamson's design preserves the integrity of the Grade I listed building and improves the northern side of Paddington.
The Crossrail station creates a dramatic great space that responds to Brunel's original ‘great interior'. The ticket hall is open to fresh air and is flooded with natural light via an elegant glass canopy that also encloses a vibrant new public realm adjacent to the historic station. The open design allows natural way-finding and provides a spatial drama appropriate for this strategic location.
The Paddington Integrated Project creates a new pedestrian spine to the north of span 4, connecting new and existing elements to form a coherent scheme. Architectural elements of the scheme include cast structural ‘tree' columns supporting the curved glass canopy and decorative facades reflecting the decoration applied to the Brunel spans by Digby Wyatt. There is a future provision for an art installation in the London Underground station main ticket hall which can be served as a way-finding tool and is viewed as a valued contribution to the future of the scheme's distinctive character.
As seen on WorldArchitectureNews.
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