Selling your home can be a frustrating process, especially if you keep inviting viewers in but get no further interest. It can be time-consuming, frustrating and painful, especially when you need a quick sale. With a bit of care and attention, however, it is possible to turn those viewings into offers. Have a read through our 5 top tips that will not only make your home more valuable but will also help your home sell faster.
Read more after the jump:

1. Fix and Clean
If you have small issues in your home that you are embarrassed by, now is the time to fix them. We all have them, those leaky taps that we don’t get round to fixing, door handles that need replacing or patches of flaky paint on the wall. You might not notice the imperfections as you go through the house every day but a potential buyer definitely will. Make sure you keep on top of the home maintenance and that you keep your home clean and tidy throughout the viewing stage of selling your house, buyers will appreciate it.
2. A fresh lick of paint
A fresh lick of paint will definitely go a long way when it comes to enticing potential buyers. If your paintwork looks old and worn buyers really will notice and it might put them off. Often buyers are looking for a home that they can move straight into without there being a lot of work for them to do. Take a look at our post looking at interior design trends to get some inspiration.
3. Update the kitchen
Buyers love kitchens. They love the thought of a space that can really be the heart of their new home. They are looking for space where all their family can congregate and share food and discussion about their day. If you need to update your kitchen to make this space, do it, it really will pay off when it comes to the valuation of your home. Approach builders such as FC Developments and see what can be done to improve your kitchen. These custom home builders can even extend areas of your house to provide additional interior space.

4. Light and airy
When selling your home, you need to make sure that natural light is finding its way in and that you air the house regularly. Open windows to let air in and make sure that your home smells pleasant. You should also think about putting up mirrors to help the light bounce around your home. Placed with thought, they can really help make your home appear brighter and larger.
5. Get the right smells
We’re sure you have heard that old story about making sure you have bread baking in the oven when inviting viewers into your home. Tips like this really can help though. Potential buyers love to be able to imagine what their life would be like if they were to move into your house. What could possibly be better than a home in which baking happens? It’s inviting and makes people feel instantly at home. Think carefully about what other scents you could use, citrus, for instance, makes your home smell clean and fresh.