HRA (Holky rady architekturu) designed a small ice cream shop located in the center of Brno, Czech Republic. The interior conveys a play of three words: arc, reference and reflection. The design works with the genius loci, using the existing vaults and arcs and references the Italian origin of the product through elements made of stainless steel that reflect the environment. Discover more after the jump.

From the architects: The ice cream shop is situated in the centre of Brno on the Minoritská street in one of the old apartment buildings in the city centre. The space is made by vaults and is quite small. This was the main challenge to fit all the kitchen necessities in. The task was to create an ice cream shop with a kitchen background, ice cream bar, freezer and coffee corner.

The concept works with genius loci, uses the vaults and arcs and refers to the origin of Italian product at the Czech place. The space of the preparation kitchen and the ice cream bar are divided by a glass partition. People behind the glass become the alchemists who prepare the frozen delicatessen.

The ice cream bar with its shape and texture also refers to Roman history and becomes the fundamental object of the space. The front part of the shop is made with in-built freezing box with ice cream boxes. The details are stainless sinks that resemble the street fountains of south European states. You can wash your hands as you enter the shop before eating the ice cream, behind the bar the sink serves as hygienic sink for stuff. This space was fun! Playing with three words – reference, reflection and arc. Every time you enter there is something new that catches your sight. Come in!

Author: Barbora Kudelová [Holky rády architekturu] – www.holkyradyarchitekturu.cz
Studio address: Husova 8, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Project location: Minoritská 2, 602 00 Brno
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2020-2021
Completion year: 2021
Gross Floor Area: 29,5 m²
Client: Ješt? Jednu
Photographer: Barbora Kudelová – www.holkyradyarchitekturu.cz
Graphic design: Steezy Studio