Your bedrooms shouldn’t just be another space in your home, after all you do spend a lot of time in there. Granted, most of this is when you’re asleep, but just imagine waking up to your own unique quarters each and every morning. Sounds great, right?
In this post you’ll find some practical and decorative DIY ideas you can use to brighten up your bedroom. Better still, you don’t need to be a home-improvement master to do them! So be sure to read on and find out about some of our fantastic suggestions. (Photo Above by Ulla Koskinen)

Breeze Block Tables
Breeze blocks (or cinder blocks) are essentially like large bricks which more often than not are used as foundations for buildings. They’re also relatively easy to find from DIY stores and with careful stacking can make for great bed-side tables. Simply place two standing vertically a few inches apart then lay one across the top (like the pi symbol) and hey presto, you’ve got a table. If you’re worried about stability then place your ‘table’ against the wall for added support.
(Photo Above John Kerr Associates Apartment in Hove, UK)
Bottle Vases
Old wine and beer bottles can be recycled to make attractive and stylish vases. Remove the labels and paint them with a few coats of neutral gloss and leave them to dry. Then simply arrange them as a collection of different sizes or individually wherever you like in your bedroom. What’s enjoyable about these is once your base colours are dry you can decorate them how you want!
Clothes Line Displays
Want to hang some pictures but don’t want to fork out for expensive and cumbersome frames? Why not try our alternative? Hammer a couple of nails parallel to each other at either end of your chosen wall, and then loosely hang some string or a clothes line across. Next with some pegs or tape, hang your frameless pictures, then step back and enjoy the view.
Bookshelf Storage
This really is what it says on the tin! Invest in some flat-pack bookcases in any style you want (these are easier to assemble). Then, rather than using it exclusively for books, adorn your case with ornaments, pictures or whatever you want, to create a bespoke display cabinet.
So why not give some of these ideas a try? Of course remember to take basic safety precautions, particularly when lifting heavy items. Also when assembling or affixing, make sure you have the right tools. You can find some great deals on reliable power tools from specialist retailers like Anglia Tool Centre. Then, once you’re kitted out, all that’s left to do is get to work!
(Photo Above The Line NYC Apartment)