Project: IT Park
Designed by ZA Architects
Design Team: Dmitry Zhuikov, Arina Agieieva, Yuri Bendasov, Eugene Chernopissky
Technical Architects: Arcstone
Client: Voomy
Program Area: 13 000 m2
Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
Website: zaarchitects.com
ZA Architects impressively showcase their idea for the IT Park in Kharkov, Ukraine. Main challenge for the ZA Architects was to provide the adequate environment for prosperous IT business incubator. Find more images and architects' description of the project after the jump:
From the Architects:
Main challenge of the project is to provide environment for prosperous IT business incubator in Kharkov city. As a skeleton for all functions, client had selected abandoned soviet concrete administrative 8-floor building, and smaller one 3-floor neighbouring building. ?usiness incubator is a place for yuppies, multi-component environment which creates favorable conditions for the creation and development of the new ideas. Design backbone is provocation of communication between people, casual acquaintances, experience sharing, receiving of new knowledge and social events of all kinds.
Diversity of new tasks have predetermined total redesign of the internal spaces, replacement of the old facades and addition of new volumes. New functional arrangement is following: basement, 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd floors of the main building contain mainly public, representative and retail functions. At the 4-th and 5-th floors there is heart of the whole facility – coworking zone for IT-specialists and small it-enterprises are located. Floors from 6-th to 8-th assigned to let. At neighbouring building there are facilities for leisure and sport activities. The territory around buildings must became an attractive vibrant space for visitors. Despite its location on the busy strain street, behind the main front there are swimming pool, pedistrian fountain, outdor cinema, playgrounds, volley-ball located. Space in between two buildings considered as a main promenade, which interconnects two buildings and street . As for the facades, main and both side facades of the main building are replaced with the new large-perforated skin. Pattern formed by roundish windows at the evening is able to act as a kind of the low-resolution LED screen, and place running advertising text, or even primitive video games. Back southern facade has large long windows fitted with horizontal photovolatic external blinds.