In the heart of Hangzhou, nestled within the confines of a conventional office building, Unity Preschool is breaking new ground in early childhood education. This non-profit Emilia Reggio-inspired kindergarten is not only providing essential daycare services but also revolutionizing the way children learn and interact within their school environment. Studio Jia, a renowned architectural firm, was commissioned to design this innovative school campus, which reimagines traditional notions of education.
Unity Preschool’s mission is clear – to serve as a beacon of support for double-income working families in the surrounding underserved community, as well as those with multiple young children. With a commitment to fostering child-led learning and spontaneous interaction, this institution is changing the game when it comes to early childhood education.
At the heart of Unity Preschool’s design philosophy lies a meticulous integration of the Emilia Reggio approach into both architectural and interior elements. The central principle is adaptability, and the school’s layout reflects this commitment with flexible, open, and child-centric spaces. Gone are the days of rigid classroom structures; here, children have the freedom to navigate and orchestrate their daily school lives autonomously.
The central piazza stands as the school’s focal point, offering a dynamic and bustling hub for social integration and collaborative activities among children of varying ages and class groups. Unlike traditional campus designs with rigid walls segregating spaces, Unity Preschool’s piazza breaks down those barriers, encouraging children to interact and learn from one another.
Architectural ingenuity is another hallmark of Unity Preschool. The design prioritizes natural light, defying the enclosed nature of its existing traditional office building. Multi-floor climbing structures with roof light wells, and a glass-ceilinged central staircase integrated with steel slides, introduce playful transitions between levels. These elements also orchestrate a dance of changing light patterns throughout the day, illuminating various areas within the kindergarten and creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadows for children to explore.
Unity Preschool is not just a place for education; it’s a place for imagination, creativity, and social development. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when innovative design and educational philosophy come together to create a nurturing environment for young minds.
With Unity Preschool, Hangzhou has taken a significant step towards redefining early childhood education, offering not only daycare services but a space where children are encouraged to be curious, independent, and collaborative learners.
Project information
Architects: Studio Jia –
Area: 2900 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs: Lvqiu Photography
Manufacturers: Benjamin Moore, Feiyou kid furniture, Nippon Paint, Swiss Krono AG, ZHONGNAN CURTAIN WALL
Lead Architects: Jia Jing Li
Construction Document Production: Tinshine Design Group CO.,LTD
Construction Consultant And Project Management: Huacheng Consulting
General Contractor: Zhejiang Zhenghua Constructionn Co.,Ltd
City: Hangzhou
Country: China