Project: GateWave
Designed by Marc Fornes & Volkan Alkanoglu | DESIGN
Design Team: Peter Nguyen, Jeffrey Quantz, Claudia Corcilius
Location: Redondo Beach, California, USA
Website: theverymany.com & www.alkanoglu.com
"GateWave" is a public art project created by Marc Fornes & Volkan Alkanoglu for North Redondo's new transit centre currently under construction. For more images and architects description continue after the jump:
From the Architects:
“Gate Wave“, the public art project selected for the new transit center being built in North Redondo this year.
A large wave, albeit one made of aluminum and wood, is about to break on Kingsdale Avenue.
The Redondo Beach City Council on Tuesday night served as a de facto art jury and selected “Gate Wave,” a large public artwork that will be built later this year alongside the new transit center adjacent to the Galleria Mall in North Redondo Beach. “Gate Wave” designed by artists Volkan Alkanoglu and Marc Fornes, was chosen among three finalists winnowed down from 10 submissions by the city’s Public Art Commission.
Councilman Steve Diels said the sculpture would dramatically announce to people arriving on buses, and perhaps one day trains, that they are in Redondo Beach.
“I can see people wanting to take their pictures next to this,” Diels said. “…People will know you have arrived – that when you get off that bus, you know you are in Redondo.”
“These are all great pieces,” said Councilman Bill Brand. “I’m not an artist, but I’ve been a lot of places all over the world, and when you see something like this, it labels the place.”
The “Gate Wave” design is 13.5 feet at its highest and almost 50 feet wide at its base. It will be constructed with concrete footings, a timber frame substructure, anodized aluminum in four total layers, with cyan and lime colorations on the interior aluminum and white on the outside. The artists, though young, are quite well regarded – Alkanoglu has taught at Harvard, Princeton, and SciARC, and a large installation piece by him and Fornes is featured at the Centre Popidou in Paris.
“We actually have a lot of experience with this kind of construction,” Alkanoglu said.
Councilman Matt Kilroy expressed satisfaction that the city’s public art program – which includes new work at the North Branch Library and the Esplanade – is beginning to take off.
“We are actually getting art in the city,” Kilroy said. “This is amazing.”