Project: Almonte Theatre
Designed by Donaire Arquitectos
Project Team: Jesús Núñez Bootello, Carmela Domínguez Asencio, Tibisay Cañas Fuentes, David Rapado Moreno, Ignacio Núñez Bootello, Beatriz Hacar Hernández, Delia Pacheco Donaire, Pablo Baruc García Gómez, Celine Nelke
Engineering: Javier Drake Canela, Guillermo Márquez Villanueva, Alfonso Buiza Camacho
Constructor: Procondal S.A.
Project area: 3 265 sqm
Location: Huelva, Spain
Website: www.donairearquitectos.com
Located on a site of an old winery in the Spanish town of Huelva, Almonte Theatre is work of Donaire Arquitectos who had the challenge of designing a contemporary building surrounded by traditional architecture. For more of the project continue after the jump:
About the Project:
The building is located on the site of an old winery. It has the challenge of integrate the existing old buildings, declared as cultural interest, and being part of a cultural complex of a total of three buildings and a common space. This space turns into the main place of the town and an important meeting area.
An opportunity to work on light, material and space. The path chosen to work on these concepts, is the contrast. Contrast between outside and inside, between old and new, including a monumental scale and human scale. And the journey as the thread that sews and explains the intervention. A large area covered with large proportions and controlled height works as a high threshold. A monumental scale lobby welcomes the visitor showing the scale of a public building.
Source ArchDaily. *