When you are asked about natural elements in interior design, what do you think?
Suppose you are like most people; wood and perhaps stone spring to mind. Why? Well, because most people use these elements somewhere in their homes, making them popular for every kind of decor.
However, there are other natural elements that can spruce up your home that you may not have thought of. In this article, a bit of Feng Shui will meet interior design in relation to the five naturally occurring elements. So, enjoy!
Stone/ Fire
Not a combination that many people think of, but consider the following; when lava erupts and cools, it solidifies and forms lava stone or basalt.
Of course, if you are opting to add stone to your home’s decor, it doesn’t have to be basalt but, in most cases, the rocks that are commonly used in home decors, like marble, granite, and even quartz, have had fire involved in their creation at some point. Thus, they represent fire!
Where can you incorporate stone in your home? In the kitchen as a countertop, in the bathroom as a soap dish, and even on the floor in your passage if your budget stretches to it. For the latter option, you will need a professional installer, so head to mystonefloor.com for more information.
If you want a fire element in your home that is not as expensive, it is worth looking into colour schemes that include red, orange, black, and grey. For accessories, aim for things like black rugs, bookcases, and sofas with red throws and pillows. Or, if you aren’t a fan of paint, why not choose a wallpaper with a bold damask print in the aforementioned colours?
OK, this is an exciting element relating to interior design, as most people think of the earth as being something found in a garden. With a bit of effort, however, you can incorporate this into your home!
Unlike stone/fire, earth as an element is expressed primarily through colours, such as browns, yellows, and beige. Also, many people link earth as an element to wood, which is an effortless accessory and material to add to your home. Aim for clearly wooden, non-painted chairs and tables, and even display wooden chess boards in your main room as an eye-catching centrepiece.
How do you incorporate something you can’t see into your interior design?
It is a tricky one, but many everyday home decor items can be used to showcase the element of air. The main one is, of course, plants! Plants of all shapes and sizes are beautiful in a home, provided they are non-toxic if you have pets.
Visually, water is a striking element associated with calm and tranquillity. It is also easier to incorporate than many people think. Relating to colour, aim for the apparent blues, whites, greys, and greens. When it comes to water-based objects, why not add a fish tank? Or even a small indoor water feature? Great for stress relief and great for a home office too!
Typically, the fifth element is spirit, but that is something that would be hard to put in a home at the best of times.
So, with metal, there are many ways you can use this in your home, and when looking to add it to another element, it goes well with stone/fire, water, and even air. When looking for metal additions to your home, think of the kitchen, bathroom, and even the living space. Specifically, look at metal-based vases, side lights, light fittings, and accessories like book ends.
Images from Semerey by Rina Lovko Studio – See the full story here