Latest PRADA store has opened its doors in Johannesburg (South Africa), the impressive space is located in the prestigious Sandton City Mallshopping centre. The store was designed by the renowned architect Roberto Baciocchi and his team. New location is taking the space of 800 square meters housing the latest collection by the well known Italian fashion house.
The internal façade, of remarkable visual impact,stretches approximately 65 metres in length and with its elegant geometry results the focus ofthe “Diamond Walk”: a backlit white canvas curtain enclosed in acrystal box creates a sophisticatedatmosphere. Black marble frames borderthe entrances, windows and light boxes, lending a precious flair to the space. The entrance to the area dedicatedto the women’s collectionopens on a large octagonal spacecharacterised by the signature black-and-white marble chequered flooring –a legacy of Prada’s identity worldwide –and green fabric-clad walls, whichserve as abackdrop for sleek polished steel display cases embellished with black Marquinia marblechests of drawers. – from PRADA
For more of the new space continue after the jump:

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