Project: New Eurojust Headquarters
Designed by Mecanoo & Royal Haskoning
Client: Rijksgebouwendienst
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
Website: www.mecanoo.nl
Designed for a location in Hague architects Mecanoo & Royal Haskoning created New Eurojust Headquarters acquiring more than 36,000 square meters of space. For more images and info continue after the jump:
From the Architects:
World forum. As an agency of the European Union, Eurojust handles the judicial co-operation of cross-border criminal matters. Mecanoo, in collaboration with Royal Haskoning and DS Landsacpe Architects have teamed up to design the new Eurojust premises. The new complex will form a part of The Hague World Forum area of Peace, Safety and Justice. The concept of the dune landscape designed for the World Forum area will be continued across the Johan de Wittlaan. This design concept illustrates a strong connection with Eurojust’s neighbouring organisations, the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) and Europol. The atmosphere of soft slopes and grassy vegetation is designed to sit within the lush surroundings of The Hague’s ‘Green Heart’.
Inviting and safe. The Eurojust building feels elegant, modern and spacious, while respecting the contextual urban history of the area. The building is in alignment with the orientations of the original buildings on this side of Johan de Wittlaan which simultaneously creates a landscaped public square. The square is inviting and offers views onto the main entrance of Eurojust. The tower is focused on this entrance area, the World Forum area and The Hague. The low-rise stays close to the scale of the neighbouring villas and apartment buildings. The careful integration of the building into the site is made possible by placing two levels underground where the conference facility is located. The adjacent sloping garden brings daylight into the basement levels and strengthens the identity of the green district. The landscape design incorporates the highest standards for Eurojust in a natural way by including dunes and water features
Elegant. The building architecture represents the core values of Eurojust. The light façade is composed of an alternating rhythm of open and closed composite elements which give the building a modern but timeless appearance. Glass panels alternate tilting forwards or backwards and turned left or right so that the sky as well as the surrounding dune landscape is reflected in the glass and depth is created in the façade. Inside the building, visitors are welcomed in a spacious, double height lobby with views out onto the dune garden. The foyer space has several zones which range from open and public to more private. A wide staircase with views out onto the surrounding landscape and descends to the lower floors. The water of the pond in the dune landscape is reflected in the ceiling of the lobby.